Please note that we are currently only accepting orders from the United States.

Important Packaging and Shipping Instructions

To ensure the safe transit of your items, please package them securely, avoiding any loose contents that may become damaged.

Kindly provide us with your shipping tracking number via email.

Shipping Address:

(908 N. Sierra View St, Ridgecrest, CA)

Upon delivery, we will label and record your items under your name and the date of arrival. You will receive a follow-up email confirming receipt, which will include photographs and the recorded dates.

After processing, we will convert the media to a USB stick, box it back up and return it, unless otherwise specified. The tracking number for the return shipment will also be sent to you for your convenience.

You have the option to request the return of your original media upon completion of the order.

The return of your order and/or media will be within 6-10 business days.

Thank you for your attention to these details.

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